Thursday, October 18, 2012


Hello! It has been a very long time now that I have had the idea of creating a blog in the back of my mind. I had attempted to create one before, but unfortunately the idea didn't go very far. Here I am again but this time this blog came to me and with it came many different ideas. I am an early-early twenties newlywed and I love to collect and treasure inspiration. The first idea that drove me to starting this blog was how I want to find, and how it is so possible to find God in everyday adventures. There are so many things that inspire me, and as I thought of what to post as an intro post, I thought I would start off by making a list of inspiring things. Since new inspirations are always popping up, maybe this can turn into a monthly thing. We'll see how it goes. : ) Here is a list of constant inspirations for me:

My Heavenly Father's love
My family's love
Simple living

..and because it is slowly turning into fall around our little home, I have definitely been thinking lately of:

Pumpkins! and the pumpkin patch
Fresh apples
The cool fall air
Reading a new, magical story
Keep sewing
Visits to the ocean, even though it would be kinda chilly

Woo! This post turned out longer than I imagined it would, I can't wait to post again. : )